Other Packages & Instructions

For year ahead consultation which will be for just one person per appointment - Fee : $300

[ Example : If your birth date is February 28th, and the reading is on the 10th of march 2021 it will be from that date until February 28th 2022 ]

This type of Consultation/Reading will shed light on trends for you and based on your chart for the year ahead (12 months).

For readings about loved ones who have passed

The fees are as follows

  • $50 for 45 minutes
  • $65 for 60 minutes
  • $95 for 90 minutes
  • $125 for 120 minutes

I will need their Date of Birth, Time of Birth, Place of Birth and preferably Date, Time and Place of Death. A recent photograph of that individual helps as well.

Note : I open my energy field for channeling during such a Consultation/Reading. However, please note the following disclaimer for channeling : I do not control which of your loved one ( if at all ) wants to step forth and talk to you, it may not be the one you were expecting to hear from. If they have any messages for you, I will relay that to you but absolutely no guarantees.

Mode of Consultation : You can choose between Whatsapp or Zoom, but be sure to specify your preference at the time of requesting the reading.

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